Dec 27, 2006

Since I'm a "jerkwad" for not keeping up with posting...

Michael Joseph says: so what day are you gonna be?!?!?!?
Erin says: i thought we already decided this!
Michael Joseph says: i forgot
Michael Joseph says: again
Erin says: *sigh*
Erin says: you sadden me.
Erin says: who's today... i haven't checked yet...?
Michael Joseph says: danielle
Erin says: okay... you said i'd be tomorrow.
Michael Joseph says: mmmmm
Michael Joseph says: not at this pace
Michael Joseph says: jerkwad
Erin says: what'd i do!?!?
Michael Joseph says: you hasn't updated in 6 days!
Erin says: ah man! you're gonna hold that against me!?!?!
Michael Joseph says: ...among other things
Michael Joseph says: yeah
Erin says: but my flash drive isn't working right now for some reason... and i wanted to post some pics!! s'not my fault!
Michael Joseph says: pffft
Michael Joseph says: lies
Erin says: i don't lie.
Michael Joseph says: >_<
Michael Joseph says: crud
Michael Joseph says: this goes against everything
Michael Joseph says:
you = don't lie
women = all liars
Erin says: *gasp*
Erin says: no way.
Michael Joseph says: mmmm
Michael Joseph says: no way to what?
Erin says: "women = all liars"
it goes both ways!
Michael Joseph says: ?!?
Erin says: all men are liars as well.
Michael Joseph says: no
Erin says: ugh. how can you deny that??
Michael Joseph says: when've i lied to you?!?
Michael Joseph says: that's what i thought
Erin says: hang on now! i'm tryin ta think!
Erin says: dang it.
Erin says: but that doesn't mean you're not a liar.
Michael Joseph says: whys you gotta go call me a liar?
Erin says: because you gave me the right when you called me one?
Erin says: geesh.
Michael Joseph says: lol
Michael Joseph says: yeah
Michael Joseph says: well
Michael Joseph says: whatevers
Michael Joseph says: i'm gonna go shower before you make me start crying
Michael Joseph says: big meanie
Erin says: o stoppit.
Erin says: nice picture by the way.
Michael Joseph says: LIAR
Erin says: just go.
Michael Joseph says: you still haven't told me how your christmas was though!
Erin says: ya well... better than was expected.
Michael Joseph says: . . .
Erin says: it wasn't bad... i had fun i guess... still have to deal with the family parties this weekend though.
Michael Joseph says: <------- can he come?
Erin says: lol. sure sure. you can come.
Erin says: got one friday with the "weird" side of the fam.... and then saturday with the "stuckup" side.
Michael Joseph says: i so could have so much fun with both sides
Erin says: haha. ya i guess you could.
Michael Joseph says: you hate me though
Michael Joseph says: so there's no point in making the rest of your family hate me too
Erin says: *sigh*
Erin says: i'm about to give up!
Erin says: I DON'T HATE YOU!
Michael Joseph says: well it sure seems it sometimes
Erin says: lol! how?!?!?!?!
Michael Joseph says: cuz you always acts like it's a chore when i talks to you
Erin says: !?
Erin says: no i don't!
Michael Joseph says: dunno
Erin says: yeah you do, or you wouldn'ta said that!
Erin says: so spill
Erin says: what makes you think that!
Erin says: what'd i say?!
Michael Joseph says: iunno
Michael Joseph says: somethin about not emailin me directions to save me last sunday...
Erin says: well that doesn't mean i hate you.
Michael Joseph says: *sniffle*
Erin says: you survived it though... that's good.
Erin says: ...
Michael Joseph says: yea
Erin says: i guess i jus didn't think you would actually come...
Michael Joseph says: I SAID I WOULD
Erin says: yeah yeah i know
Michael Joseph says: so you THINK i'm a LIAR?!
Michael Joseph says: i see where this is goin1
Erin says: oh really. and where's it going, cuz i don't see it...?
Michael Joseph says: you callin me a liar.
Michael Joseph says: duh
Erin says: but we already went through this...
Michael Joseph says: or at least thinkin i'm one
Michael Joseph says: mhmm
Michael Joseph says: and you do think i'm one
Erin says: everyone lies.... 'cept me of course
Michael Joseph says: i don't lie
Michael Joseph says: not to you anyways
Erin says: okay, but i wouldnt even tell you my name for a while... and i just was a nervous about handing out my address maybe...
Michael Joseph says: great
Michael Joseph says: she still thinks i'm a stalker/mass murderer
Erin says: haha. no... just still some random person i still don't know.
Erin says: sorta.
Michael Joseph says: so?
Michael Joseph says: i went to montreal for almost a week with chad and i had never met him before
Erin says: well... i guess i'm not the most "outgoing" person...
Erin says: *shrugs*
Michael Joseph says: mmhmmm
Michael Joseph says: fine
Michael Joseph says: i guess i'm just gonna go now
Erin says: you can come to my family parties though...
Michael Joseph says: wont even bother
Michael Joseph says: you don't want me to
Erin says: sure i do... sounds like you don't wanna though.
Michael Joseph says: =_=
Michael Joseph says: i said i wanted to
Michael Joseph says: i dont know wheres!
Michael Joseph says: and you isn't gonna tell me
Erin says: i'll tell you right now!
Michael Joseph says: no
Erin says: yes.
Michael Joseph says: no
Michael Joseph says: pfft
Michael Joseph says: no no
Erin says: see... you don't even wanna know.
Michael Joseph says: i can't now
Michael Joseph says: <-------- blew every dime he had
Erin says: see. told ya.
Erin says: yeah sure.
Erin says: just go take a shower... and i'll sit here and sulk.
Erin says: go.
Michael Joseph says: lol
Erin says: and now it's funny.
Erin says: *sniffle*
Michael Joseph says: o shush
Michael Joseph says: i'll come visit
Michael Joseph says: i'll spend my entire spring break in fredonia
Michael Joseph says: would that make up for it??!
Erin says: i don't know.... when is yours?
Michael Joseph says: the week before yours
Erin says: i'll be in class though!....
Michael Joseph says: i'll go with you!
Michael Joseph says: geesh
Erin says: lol
Erin says: no you won't!
Michael Joseph says: fine
Michael Joseph says: god forbid maybe i've already taken the class!
Michael Joseph says: i'll go then
Erin says: fine.
Erin says: but you KNOW you're not gonna wanna sit through a class on your spring break... ESPECIALLY if you've already taken it!
Michael Joseph says: lol
Michael Joseph says: *falls asleep and drools on your shoulder*
Erin says: lol.
Erin says: see?
Erin says: just GO already!
Michael Joseph says: OK OK
Michael Joseph says: scuse me for wanting to talk with you
Erin says: you prolly smeall anyway.
Michael Joseph says: you're right
Erin says: i know. i'm always right.
Michael Joseph says: >_<
Michael Joseph says: blast
Michael Joseph says: i hate you sometimes, other times you're just incredibly fun and cute

Dec 21, 2006

I really wish that light would stop flashing at me. I want to kill it.

The semester is officially over for me. My last test was today. Only one class I'm seriously worried about. College is 1/8 of the way completed. Awesome. Or is it? Seems like it's going too quickly.

Now I have completely nothing to do. Boredom will kill me. No doubt. Maybe I'll make cookies tomorrow...

I get to spend Christmas Eve and Day at my mother's house. Way out in the smack center of no where. No computer. No cell phone service. No sign of human existance for miles. But of course I can't forget the occasional Amish horse buggy that 'drives' by.

Oh and the company there will be just grand also. I'm all antsy and excited for the arguing to begin. Wish I could also look forward to the ending of it, but I wouldn't want to ask for too much...

So I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve curled up in my attic room finishing Fight Club, and afterwards maybe I could try for a Lord of the Rings marathon... are there enough hours in a day for that?

I found out a few days ago that I might have to drive down to Ohio to pick up my little step-sister the day after Christmas. Okay. Fine. And then I found out that THERE'S A SONIC in that town! So now I'm all for it. Not sure if I still have to though. I attempted to talk someone into over-nighting me a cooler full of slushes insillated with dry ice for Christmas, but she laughed at me and thought I was joking. I was serious. I thought it was an AWESOME idea. Plus, she would get the slushes for FREE! She works there! She passed up giving the absolute perfect present EVER. Way to go stupid.

Southern family will be here to visit northern family soon. These get-togethers are always interesting. Might have more on this later. Definately.

I've got a cousin getting married on New Year's Eve. It feels weird, because we're only a few years different in age. And she's having a baby too. It must suck not being able to drink at all at your wedding...

I'll be down south for most of January. This means I actually get to go to work. Haven't decided if it's a good thing or not. Money vs. More Boredom. Yeah, it's gotta be a good thing. The best thing about it is I get to make money, sitting for hours, blaring music, while watching people think they're special. That is if anyone even decides they would like to actually give me the almighty honor. Otherwise I'm stuck behind the desk playing with paperclips... or chemical strips... So if anyone wants to come visit sometime feel free to do so... please???

And then I get to go back to school to start a completely new schedule of classes. I only have to get up for an 8 o'clock class TWO days a week now. Score.

My novela of a "vacation" in a nutshell. Updates will most likely be scarce, but cha never know.

Dec 20, 2006

Freeze Tag...

So Mr. Holland Chase has tagged me.
5 things you might not know about me?
Okay. Whatever.

I'm way too shy sometimes and don't say what I'm thinking when I probably should. I think it's because I care too much about what everyone else is thinking.
~ ~
I can't stand cooked carrots or celery. They're slimy and soggy. Love em raw and dipped in Ranch Dressing though.
~ ~
Listening to deep male voices is relaxing to me. And now I can't stand listening to female singers.
~ ~
When I drink through a straw I get the silent hiccups.
~ ~
I might be too cynical of people and I think I judge too quickly, though normally I'm right after their first impression.
~ ~

Dec 18, 2006

This week should be called "Dead Week"!

I spent a good part of last night contemplating ways to get out of taking my finals. Haha. Didn't go through with them though, because most of which I came up with would have been considered "suicidal". No thanks to Seth. What a great friend. *shakes head slowly in disappointment*. I just want to get knocked out for a week or two!!! It would work out great... won't have to put up with family at Christmas parties, AND I would get a break from the tests! *sigh*

The snow is all gone... it's been gone for a while. I wonder if there will be any on Christmas... Still can't believe it's next week.

If you watch this you'll seriously get dizzy.

Dec 16, 2006

I'm spinning continuously...Then I suddenly halt, but everything else is still going.

These two are because I miss my little sister... and sometimes I forget how crazy she can be...:

And these ones are because I miss Al... and she just might kill me brutally for posting them... which just makes it all the more fun...

And this one has NO reason... just that I think I might miss band trips with the school... no matter how much I didn't want to admit that...:

And this one reminds me of my job (well sort of)... and therefore money... and therefore my current lack of both (stupid Christmas presents!):

Dec 14, 2006

...Open All Around...

I used to have this feeling of guilt when I did something wrong. When I lied to someone, I felt bad inside, because lying is wrong, right?

Well I don't feel sorry. I don't feel bad.

If I feel a twinge of guilt at all, it's only because this person believes me. If I feel anything else right now, it's only amusement because what I said was just plain funny... any other person would've looked at me and knew I wasn't serious! What am I supposed to do about it!? It's not my fault! This isn't even conscience-driven, it's only for the sake of me feeling like writing about it.

But I also used to think I worked better under pressure. It always made sense to me to wait until the day before something was due to even start thinking about getting it done. I had the ability to focus my complete and total attention on one single thing, thinking only about what I was working on. And I could do it fast, and no one could ever tell I hadn't spent countless days on it. Not that I'm bragging, but I miss it now. An entire semester into college, and I'm still stuck in the habit. Except this stupid work just has to be absolutely frustratingly difficult, and I just don't end up with the same effect as from before. It's a horrible habit.

So, in saying that, I've decided on my New Year's Resolution. No more falling into a steady stream of procrastination. That's it. I'm done. I want less stress, and this is the only constructive mechanism I can think of to solve that problem.

Dec 10, 2006

Dead Week

This is all I want:

I want to get these tests over with.
And I want to do well on them.
I want to know everything on them, without having to study.
I want more time to study, since I don't know everything on them.
I want the time to pass faster so I'll be done with school for a month.
And in saying that, I want to not have to go to school.
But that would never happen because apparently practically any decent career requires some type of degree.
I want to not have so many contradictory wants.

I hate tests. Let's all just assume I know everything I need to know about the stupid class and be done with it. Give me my 'A', I'll give you a smile, and then I never want to see you again.

Dec 5, 2006

The Snow is Here!

At the start of the year, I thought to myself how much I'll dread the cold. And I think eventually I'll learn to hate it, but for now I'm gonna just enjoy it. The snow started collecting Saturday night and is still continuing to fall. Around 1 in the morning, me and a couple friends decided to take an adventure outside to enjoy the extravagent fuzz piling over everything. We threw a few snowballs at several windows (despite our bad aim), surely pissed off several people, and just had a good time with it. I discovered (after much agony) that I'll definately need to invest in a pair of gloves.

After my roommate got back from a basketball game last night, she was elaborating continually about how slow the cheerleaders are. I'm thinking to myself that they're surely not that bad. Apparently, however, their intentions to create three separate pyramids and hold up the letters "F", "S", and "U" were critically mocked when the middle pyramid dropped their letter.

But now that the snow is here, it helps to lighten the mood. I'm finally attempting to get some Christmas shopping over with this weekend. It always makes me feel better knowing how much cash I can burn in one day. The season of joy right?

New Favorite Sound: crunching ice

Dec 2, 2006

I just want to show off my picture I took.

Last night was our suite's Christmas party. We went to a little restaurant. I wish I'd enjoyed it more, it could've been fun... When we got back, I watched Grey's Anatomy until late hours in the night. Today we made a gingerbread house and hung up lights. Anyone could easily confuse us with seven little 5th graders.

The past few days have been the roughest days that I've been here. I'm second guessing myself... with everything.

I think too much.

Too much lack of sleep. Too much crap. Too much...

Christmas is starting to depress me.

My head is pounding. And I deserve every throb.

Dec 1, 2006

*sigh* I'm bored.

I am so excited for finals...especially stats, it's gonna be exhilerating.

Why do I find amusement in this picture?'s depressing. Should've seen the about depressing.

Everytime I do laundry I lose a sock...

Extra credit is so awesome. So are test curves. And both in the same week?! Score!

Boredom kills...especially when I have so much work to get done. Procrastinators unite!...tomorrow.

Sorry I can't give anything worth reading right now.