I just want to show off my picture I took.

The past few days have been the roughest days that I've been here. I'm second guessing myself... with everything.
I think too much.
Too much lack of sleep. Too much crap. Too much...
Christmas is starting to depress me.
My head is pounding. And I deserve every throb.
oh sure just omit the great time talking wie had. jerk.
opps. is that the best insult you can come up with?! lol.
i'm sorry christmas is depressing you.
i wish it wasn't.
i got depressed yesterday because i felt terrible after passing a person from the salvation army and i didn't donate. i would have, but my pockets were completely empty of even pennies...
katie... i hate that feeling too.
it makes you feel like you're a bad person...
whoa...i was just acknowledged by mike. crazy...
moving up in the world eh katie?
now go get me a beer
*katie starts to get out of chair*
and while you're in the kitchen katie, make me a sammich.
so, jenny . . .
ugh. don't start with me.
and while we're at it...
erin get me my sub!!!
you people are freaks.
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