Dead Week
This is all I want:
I want to get these tests over with.
And I want to do well on them.
I want to know everything on them, without having to study.
I want more time to study, since I don't know everything on them.
I want the time to pass faster so I'll be done with school for a month.
And in saying that, I want to not have to go to school.
But that would never happen because apparently practically any decent career requires some type of degree.
I want to not have so many contradictory wants.
I hate tests. Let's all just assume I know everything I need to know about the stupid class and be done with it. Give me my 'A', I'll give you a smile, and then I never want to see you again.
I want to get these tests over with.
And I want to do well on them.
I want to know everything on them, without having to study.
I want more time to study, since I don't know everything on them.
I want the time to pass faster so I'll be done with school for a month.
And in saying that, I want to not have to go to school.
But that would never happen because apparently practically any decent career requires some type of degree.
I want to not have so many contradictory wants.

you're going to need to give more than "a smile" to get an A.
You might get a C if you flash 'em ...
but yeah I feel the same way, esp in math, but i don't have any shortcuts like you do.
all they're gettin is a smile. and maybe a wink.
oh now i'm jealous
you'll get over it...
be happyyyyy!!!
oh but katie, i'm just exultant!
i feel like i have a baseball lodged in the side of my throat.
feeling that great,eh?
hurry up and tell me how you did on your finals!!!
they're not till next week goob.
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