Jul 23, 2008

Cool stuff

Today was a very interesting day at work.

Jul 21, 2008

Society does not recommend naming your future son Birger. Nor your future daughter.

Jul 14, 2008

I actually physically as in not dreaming got to talk on the phone to Athena. I was so happy right up until she heard my voice and broke down. It almost took me more time to calm her down than I spent talking to her. The lonely factor is catching up big time and I just felt so helpless I didn't know what to say to make her feel any better. Apparently it's taking a very long time for her letters to go through to her, which doesn't help her case. I almost broke down right along with her. I'm very selfish. I was standing in the middle of a theme park in Canada feeling lonely enough for myself, feeling lonely because I can't talk to her. Because I can't vent my own comparatively petty problems to anyone but myself because she's gone. Yet there she is not able to talk to anyone dealing with obstacle courses and gas chambers. And the only thing I can do to make her feel better is my best attempt at a few soothing words. Just feel so helpless.

Jul 5, 2008

Oh sweet irony

Yesterday: July 4, 2008

I saw a bald eagle for the first time. It shit on my shoulder.

Jul 1, 2008

in sync with nature

Today's daily dose of imagery is pretty cool. I need another science elective, I should take meteorology or weather and climate.

Went for a fairly long walk tonight, until it was almost fully dark. The bushes were entirely full of lightning bugs. It looked like all the trees and such were plastered with glitter. Absolutely beautiful. It felt inspiring in a strange way.

Weird how little things can have even the slightest impact.