Oct 3, 2007

three to the way

I've been all lonely-like for the past few days, all my newly made acquaintances have gone home for the long weekend. Strange because normally I can find ways to entertain myself but it's almost like cow country all over again.

I have a black spotted fish named Hitler. He likes jumping up out of the water but has not managed to find a way to kill itself yet.

I am really bored. My fridge refuses to perform it's intended function. All I have to drink is hot cocoa and popsicles.

I watched Fight Club on Friday for the first time. Good stuff.

There are a few things that complete me of which I feel like I can't live without, that I am in a sense; my horcruxes. I'm almost positive my body would go into complete meltdown mode without my phone. I use public transportation, therefore horcrux number 2 is mp3 player. If I had a car I'm sure that would apply as well.