Mar 31, 2007

In the longest line, the front and the back are the same sometimes.

I need sleep: Me and one of my friends Dan were talking in English class about what he was doing this weekend, I'm passively paying attention, I'm tired, I don't really care what he's saying.
Him: So what are your plans?
Me: (realizes a question was asked after a slight silence) Sorry what?
Him: Your plans?
Me: did you just ask me about implants?

I love the whole "let's pull the fire alarm at almost five in the morning" trick. I really hate the fire alarm. I really hate the sick person who decided to pull it.

Mar 26, 2007

The Sky and Grass Are Green

I spent an entire day with my mother and the four terrors (sisters) last Saturday, which turned out to be an exceedingly interesting day... A new live torture toy was admitted to the family... and the kids named him "Mikey", because it only took a decade to figure out if he was a boy or girl. Not to mention there was an excess amount of stickers everywhere, a lot of loudness, laughing, tickling, and um the not so much fun "attack Erin game"...

Today is a great day, the sun is shining, I have no one to drool on me anymore, my squishy pillow is spilling it's guts everywhere, I have a midterm Thursday, and another one NEXT Thursday, and Asha is way over the energetic level I'm used to, not sure where she gets it... maybe it's the drugs.

I look back at the past two weeks and certain circumstances stand out. But just remember:
1) Never doubt my arguing skills... I will win, and you WILL run out of decent comebacks before I do.
2) You didn't beat me, I LET you win. I just didn't want to break your spirit.
3) Don't call me gay and critisize my music when you're a hypocrit and in fact have Coldplay in your iTunes library as well.

Don't know who you're gonna blame now when something goes wrong/breaks in the house without me there.

Mar 21, 2007


I figured that I was just sick of staring at an extremely old post for the past couple weeks and I needed to make a quick update...

It's Spring Break for Fredonia... I'm staying at Mike's, I'll be back to posting (I say this as if I post more than once a week) next week.


Mar 8, 2007


I'll be stuck in the center of cow domain land this weekend cleaning because I had to make a deal with my mother. I'm completely ecstatic. Mike you had better work your magic conning skills because otherwise I will be very upset for spending a whole extra weekend there for no reason!

I wish Grey's wasn't a rerun today. My keys are officially lost. I made friends with the bus driver. I have to go to a lecture about women's history month tonight. Lame.

Happy Birthday Sethamus. I didn't realize it, but Katie is older than you. I shoulda guessed though by comparing both of your maturity levels. Have a great weekend and don't let those dogs boss you around! Stay away from the drugs please. Fuckass.

Mar 6, 2007

Speak softly, but carry a big stick.

3 Things that scare me:
Horror movies+their previews. Seriously.
My sister

3 people who make me laugh:

3 Things I love:
Peppermint tea

3 Things I hate:
Cooked Vegetables

3 Things I don't understand:

3 Things on my desk:
A mess
Not my keys

3 Things I'm doing right now:
Hoping I find my keys soon
Talking to Asha
Listening to music

3 Things I want to do before I die:
Give my dad a sense of guilt
Manage without living in a box!
A family?

3 Things I can do:
Be lazy. Quite well.

3 Things I can't do:
Roll my R's
Hold a grudge for long
Cook (unless easy mac & ramen count)

3 Things you should listen to:
Such Great Heights- The Postal Service
Rebellion Lies- Arcade Fire
The Scientist- Coldplay

3 Things you should never listen to:
Jessie McCartney
Justin Timberlake
& your mother

3 Things I'd like to learn:
How to change oil/tires and to drive a stick shift
To play the sax
To surf

3 Favorite foods:
Chicken Alfredo
Chicken Burritos
Basically just chicken

3 Beverages I drink regularly:
Rasberry Iced Tea
Mountain Dew

3 Shows I watched as a kid:
Shining Time Station
Power Rangers
Sesame Street

3 Bloggers I'm tagging:

Mar 5, 2007

Three in the morning. My sense of sanity has slipped from any actual functioning parts of my brain. The walls are sliding and grinding triggering a constant rush of thunderous brain activity. Shifting my body slightly to face the wall, an ice chill rushes over the entire room. Both my imagination and creativity become my greatest enemy. Wide-eyed, I watch as beads of sweaty condensation fill the entirety of the black smooth wall. I turn my head and follow the infestation as it climbs higher and envelopes the ceiling as well. A single, evil smile of sweat heavily disconnects from its breeding post, swirling, crimson in midair slowly falling, and landing ironically on the center of my forehead, completely dry in an exploding burst of chill.

Mar 1, 2007

yeah okay

Today I had a sudden exploding want for sonic. So now I'm trying to forget about it. I'll go buy some make-do motz sticks and get fat now. And make strawberry lemon slushes with my suitemate's new smoothie maker. And sulk because I'm complaining about not having access to a fast food restaurant way out of reach. That's not good.
Okay, I'm going to swim laps now.