Oct 30, 2006
Oct 29, 2006
Live it up...we have the chance.
Oct 24, 2006
Road Trip!!!
Busy week...I've got 2 tests, i've done a speech already (i hope i didn't screw that up, but...knowing me...), i've "done an interview" (A-, GO ME!), and I'M GOING TO MICHIGAN THIS WEEKEND. I'm excited about that. It'll give me a break. It'll be me, sam, and amanda...and we're going through canada. I'm not sure what to expect, but we're spending the weekend at Sam's house. It'll be fun. They've talked me into going to see "Saw III"...i'm not a big scary movie fan. Actually, scary movies really scare me. I can't normally even watch the commercials. Sam LOVES scary movies though. Like I said, I'm not sure what to expect this weekend.
Oct 22, 2006
Long night, ending very awkwardly

Well it ended with almost all the suite (including completely wasted suz and some guy that's obsessed with jenn) watching Big Fish in my room. Actually we didn't watch much of it...we spent most of the time making fun of Suzy who wouldn't remember most of the night anyway. You gotta love her! All the guy could talk about was how stupid he was to trust jenn and how much he wanted to be with her...how horrible he felt when he wasn't with her...how he was wondering what she was doing at that time...it was quite awkward actually. He was really drunk.
Oct 18, 2006
A Note To My Life
I considered posting something very interesting we're talking about in philosophy, but my mood is currently horribly crappy, therefore I have no interest in thinking clearly about a class. Maybe when I'm in a better mood. Right now I'm going to talk to my canadian bio professor with the curly mustache. Fun.

Oct 13, 2006
Can't tell now, but it snowed last night.
Fredonia is completely normal colored, no white at all. We didn't get any snow that stuck, so it's just really cold. No snow, but I guess we might be getting some later tonight. Not sure.

Pic of a view at my mom's extreme-out-in-the-country new house.
Oct 11, 2006
A Philosophy Assignment
2) Disco Stew: full-time swinger and partier with an incredibly high drug and alcohol tolerance. He only uses mind when it comes to picking up hot groupies. He is always partying and (hypothetically) doesn't ever suffer from hang-overs or relationship drama (he never has time to build a relationship with anyone in the first place though).
3) Matt Matrix: His entire life is spent inside a "sensory pleasure machine" (don't get perverted, i'm serious). He can do anything he wants when he wants. For example, if he wants to go skiing tomorrow, he goes and thinks that he's actually skiiing-even though he's inside a simulation machine. He doesn't know any life outside of this machine and really believes that he's living "the life". There are other people inside there that keep him company (in his mind, not actual people) but he thinks they are real. Anything that he could possible imagine he wanted to do or get he gets. (There is no "i have have everything i want so now i'm gonna get depressed and kill myself" thing going on here...just imagine this as a hypothetical situation)
Imagine ALL of these as hypothetical situations. This is actually for my philosophy class. I have to post (on the philosophy site-thing) my opinion of who I would most likely choose to be if God gave us the choice of the life to live before we're put on earth. You only get these three choices and can't mix them up. I have to explain exactly why...if I disagree with something about the person I choose then I can say it, but I just figured you guys might like to help me out.......since i'm really lazy.
You should have heard all the arguments in class this day! It was crazy.
Oct 9, 2006
My Mind is Wandering
You probably don't know these people, but Suzy, Amanda, Janine, Eduardo, and I all went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got some decorations for our common room for halloween. Well our RA is making us take a lot of it down because I guess we violated a lot of fire safety codes or something. The fire alarm goes off enough as it is. But anyway, we were a little upset about that because a lot of the afternoon was wasted doing that and considering I didn't do very much homework over fall break I could've been doing better things.
I think I might have an addition problem. I can't stop watching Lost. Caitlin has the second season and I watched it nonstop last night well into almost 2 in the morning. I need the next episode that comes on next wednesday. It's a psychological need and I think I'll officially go insane if I have to wait until wednesday. Seeing as I have no choice, I just want to let you know that it was nice knowing you and I'm sorry it had to end this way.

My mom moved out into the middle of the country/hills (tiny town called south dayton...or maybe it's called cherry creek, can't remember which one). It's completely horrible. There is nothing anywhere-including cingular service. In case you're wondering, this is a picture of an AMISH HORSE AND BUGGY DRIVING BY THE HOUSE!!! It can't get ANYMORE in the middle of NO WHERE! AMISH!!!
Well on another note, there are supposed to be snow flurries on friday someone told me. Not quite sure if I'm excited about it or not yet. It's not supposed to snow in October! It can't wait until Thanksgiving? That would be the perfect time. It's only flurries now, but when do the blizzards start?
There are vinyards all around this area, and right about now is when the grapes are being harvested. It smells so good! If you could just imagine trying to place this really sweet smell. It doesn't smell like supermarket grapes, but...i can't explain it, I'm not the best with description.
Well I hope everyone has a great week and had an awesome monday!
Oct 2, 2006
Okay, so ask a question:
Why am I here (i’m doing homework)?
To prepare for class.
To be ready to learn.
To pass the class.
To get my degree.
To get a good job.
To make a decent amount of money.
To be able to support self, friends, and family.
To have "happiness".
Am I crazy or can you do that with almost any question you ask about something that is going on in your life or what you are doing at a moment in time?
Why should we be happy? We are being tested to be moral and righteous, but we prepare for a lifetime just to be happy during that lifetime. It sort of doesn’t even matter in the end, except for moral concepts and values and whether they were followed or not. Why do we try so hard?