My Mind is Wandering
My mind is really blank right now, I'm not sure this might be a good time for an update. I'll try to think of something that might be interesting.
You probably don't know these people, but Suzy, Amanda, Janine, Eduardo, and I all went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got some decorations for our common room for halloween. Well our RA is making us take a lot of it down because I guess we violated a lot of fire safety codes or something. The fire alarm goes off enough as it is. But anyway, we were a little upset about that because a lot of the afternoon was wasted doing that and considering I didn't do very much homework over fall break I could've been doing better things.
I think I might have an addition problem. I can't stop watching Lost. Caitlin has the second season and I watched it nonstop last night well into almost 2 in the morning. I need the next episode that comes on next wednesday. It's a psychological need and I think I'll officially go insane if I have to wait until wednesday. Seeing as I have no choice, I just want to let you know that it was nice knowing you and I'm sorry it had to end this way.

My mom moved out into the middle of the country/hills (tiny town called south dayton...or maybe it's called cherry creek, can't remember which one). It's completely horrible. There is nothing anywhere-including cingular service. In case you're wondering, this is a picture of an AMISH HORSE AND BUGGY DRIVING BY THE HOUSE!!! It can't get ANYMORE in the middle of NO WHERE! AMISH!!!
Well on another note, there are supposed to be snow flurries on friday someone told me. Not quite sure if I'm excited about it or not yet. It's not supposed to snow in October! It can't wait until Thanksgiving? That would be the perfect time. It's only flurries now, but when do the blizzards start?
There are vinyards all around this area, and right about now is when the grapes are being harvested. It smells so good! If you could just imagine trying to place this really sweet smell. It doesn't smell like supermarket grapes, but...i can't explain it, I'm not the best with description.
Well I hope everyone has a great week and had an awesome monday!
You probably don't know these people, but Suzy, Amanda, Janine, Eduardo, and I all went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got some decorations for our common room for halloween. Well our RA is making us take a lot of it down because I guess we violated a lot of fire safety codes or something. The fire alarm goes off enough as it is. But anyway, we were a little upset about that because a lot of the afternoon was wasted doing that and considering I didn't do very much homework over fall break I could've been doing better things.
I think I might have an addition problem. I can't stop watching Lost. Caitlin has the second season and I watched it nonstop last night well into almost 2 in the morning. I need the next episode that comes on next wednesday. It's a psychological need and I think I'll officially go insane if I have to wait until wednesday. Seeing as I have no choice, I just want to let you know that it was nice knowing you and I'm sorry it had to end this way.

My mom moved out into the middle of the country/hills (tiny town called south dayton...or maybe it's called cherry creek, can't remember which one). It's completely horrible. There is nothing anywhere-including cingular service. In case you're wondering, this is a picture of an AMISH HORSE AND BUGGY DRIVING BY THE HOUSE!!! It can't get ANYMORE in the middle of NO WHERE! AMISH!!!
Well on another note, there are supposed to be snow flurries on friday someone told me. Not quite sure if I'm excited about it or not yet. It's not supposed to snow in October! It can't wait until Thanksgiving? That would be the perfect time. It's only flurries now, but when do the blizzards start?
There are vinyards all around this area, and right about now is when the grapes are being harvested. It smells so good! If you could just imagine trying to place this really sweet smell. It doesn't smell like supermarket grapes, but...i can't explain it, I'm not the best with description.
Well I hope everyone has a great week and had an awesome monday!
So is Eduardo the only guy living in your place (establishment, suite, whatever)? That sucks about the decorations though.
I'm addicted to Psyche. But I have to wait till mid January before it starts. It's not on DVD yet because they've only had one season.
I thought your mom already lived basically in the country. Probably my selective hearing again right?
I really wish I could smell the grapes like that. I bet it's amazing.
Okay, Eduardo doesn't live in our suite...females only, he just tagged along for the ride. He's from Puerto Rico.
She moved from a town that's a little bit smaller than Lonoke, but you could actually see more than 2 of the neighbors houses. It's really kind of an amazing view out there. I'll have to post more pics.
eduardo is the one in the pic holding a teddy bear. correct?
i'm not addicted to any tv shows, other than every single day i watch reruns of Full House and Boy Meets World. sometimes i catch a rerun of Yes Dear or Reba. it's so sad, but they make me laugh.
i want to see an amish buggy thing in person! how cool is that? and i want to smell the grapes, too.
and thanks for calling me today. it's really nice to know that no matter how far apart we are, i can still count on you. you, too, seth.
yup, that's eduardo for ya.
you need to get into a show chica! Lost is the best! I thought you watched Grey's Anatomy? The major shows i normally never miss are lost, grey's anatomy, and house. One of my friends is big on without a trace...i'm starting to like it but it's so much like csi (which isn't bad).
CSI sucks. TV sucks. House is good. Psyche is good. Monk is good. Lost is pretty good. Those are the only things wasting your time over.
Seth: Sam says she hates you and don't ever say anything to her (very big csi fan).
i do watch grey's anatomy, but i have had to work every thursday since the new season started, and once again...i have to work on a thursday. it really pisses me off!
i love without a trace, cold case, CSI...all those.
Did you all here about the the guy in lancaster county (NY) who was all suicidal in the amish school house? It was about hour away from here. I think it went national because sam's friends heard about it.
i didn't hear anything about it.
tell her that i apologize; i didn't realize Yanks had such bad taste. That IS the most predictable show on TV.
i heard about told me.
that's insane!
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