Can't tell now, but it snowed last night.
Well it started snowing last night and I got really excited. I don't think that I've ever seen snow in October that I can ever remember. Buffalo got almost 2 feet last night. It's that wet, heavy, sticky kind. There are lots of problems with powerlines coming down and tree branches falling on cars and houses and crap. It's still really bad out there. There's a good 300,000 people out of power right now and some might not get any back until Monday or Tuesday. Sucks for them. I really shouldn't say that though, it might get back at me eventually.
Fredonia is completely normal colored, no white at all. We didn't get any snow that stuck, so it's just really cold. No snow, but I guess we might be getting some later tonight. Not sure.

Pic of a view at my mom's extreme-out-in-the-country new house.
Fredonia is completely normal colored, no white at all. We didn't get any snow that stuck, so it's just really cold. No snow, but I guess we might be getting some later tonight. Not sure.

Pic of a view at my mom's extreme-out-in-the-country new house.
i am not looking forward to the cold =/
our stupid heater isn't working right, so i'm freezing all the time.
katie, i would get that fixed.
erin, i would rather not have the snow in the first place. besides i don't like white that much. it gets kinda boring.
katie: i thought you had a fire place? proly not cold enough there for that yet.
The snow was'll get old soon, so let me enjoy for now! maybe it won't snow again for a few more weeks though.
don't know if you saw mike's pics from thurs, but i guess it was white on campus for a little while during the night. show's how much i pay attention.
yeh seriously ... what a dork.
guess what ... my laptop is finally working (actually internet). I tried it randomly -- the router has been a huge pain in the ass, but hey, I'm here now.
hey one of you finally figured out how to add links. congrats. let's see how long it takes katie.
i was just too lazy.
what's your excuse katie?
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