Saturday, when i finally got back to school, the electricity all over campus was out...everything, dorm phones didn't work, the internet was sucked. Well since the electric was out, all the dining halls were closed, our entire suite ended up piling into a girls van to go to wendy's (which there weren't any seats in for some reason, the van i mean) i'm forced to spend what little cash i have, sitting on the floor of a van with a pretty big guy and five other girls going across was pretty crazy.
We get to wendy's (after a lot of seemingly sharp turns i might add) and almost everyone's food was girl found like 3 hairs in her salad, my chicken nuggets were stale and cold, it just wasn't good....this made me kinda depressed because i normally like wendy's. Anyway, we get out of there and see the bus that's going back to the school at the stoplight headed towards wal-mart where we were supposed to get on it (the girl with the van left to go to Ithaca)....just our luck, we were gonna miss it. Well me, sam, and janine take off running toward wal-mart to beat the bus there (yeah right!). It's a supercenter walmart by the way and we were going to have to make it all the way to the front entrance for the bus to get us. We see the bus go by and pull into the parking lot, pick up the people waiting there, and drive away, and we're still running, laughing histerically, which made us out of breath even more, but as the bus is about to pull out of the parking lot, it stops for us, and even waits for the people that decided it wasn't that important to run for was gay, but so hilarious.

We get back to the school (the power finally got turned back on) and my suitemates talked me into going out with them that night...i couldn't believe i agreed to go, but i knew it was coming...they did my hair and all that mess, but it felt very uncomfortable. As we were on our way to the party (we were walking, cause it wasn't that far away), we there were so many drunk people (and even more sad, some weren't quite drunk yet) yelling out the windows of cars, houses, and whatever else, telling us to take off our clothes and crap...but we get to the party, and we had to walk down this long, dark allyway to the back door....very "am i gonna get raped" sketchy....
As sam opens the door to where we're supposed to go in, the reek of alcohol and cheap beer overpowers us. Again, i have to give up a few more dollars of my precious cash to cover the charge of the beer i wasn't going to be drinking....there were drunk people everywhere, falling all over the place. It was a tiny room crammed with about 25-30 people....i stood around watching as two of my friends steadily became pretty close to drunk, and completely wasted guys hit on me...for some reason they all thought i said my name was "mary"...anyway, I ended up walking caitlin (the most drunk out of our group) back to the dorm with she spills almost her complete life story, she says over and over that she's isn't really that drunk and she knows everything that shes doing and she's doing it all on purpose (at one put right after she says this, she trips on a stick and almost falls)...i couldn't help but laugh...drunk people are so funny...
So there's my long Saturday afternoon/night and early, early Sunday morning.