I've been keeping almost every single day as jam packed as I can. Keeping a blog doesn't seem worth it at all, with exception to times when I need to vent some pointless complaining in order to keep my own sanity and see it in writing so it seems a lot less of a big deal as it is in my head. Run on sentences are amazing.
My confident isn't speaking to me. And neither is the other one, but for less petty reasons. The only correspondence I have possesion of with my closest friend is via snail mail until December. Lauren's leaving at the end of July to move in with her verbally abusive nearly unresponsive ass wipe of an ex-boyfriend and I'm completely helpless in stopping her. I'm working 2 jobs and still expect myself to entertain and take care of my mother's love children which will become impossible once Lauren actually does decide to take off. Gas is too expensive, both my jobs are in two different towns outside of the one I live in but that's not near a new argument. No matter how hard I try to not have a minute to myself with my own thoughts outside of stupid writing entries in a pointless notebook I can never sleep because that's when my mind goes at it.
Days definitely need less hours involved.