Jun 25, 2007


I dropped my co-worker's cell phone in the pool. I'm amazing at making new friends. I set off the alarm while trying to clock out. The whole building was empty. No one was there to type in the effing code. Left before the police decided they might like to show up.
"I'm not emo. I like Nemo." At the mall Mike told me I look emo and Lauren got more offended than I did for the pure fact that I was borrowing one of her shirts.
Brain block of the writer. My lips were numb. I'm sunburned. And cranky. And tired.
I hit a deer. It ran off into the woods. Ok. Sorry deer. You should not have decided to run out in front of me at that exact moment.
Couple days later I hit a racoon. Poor thing. It died. My dad had a pet racoon once.
Next day a blackbird hit me. That's right, it hit ME. Came right out of the woods and made sweet contact with my antenEA. It thought, 'Hey, ya know what? Today I'm feeling suicidal. So I'm gonna run smack into a blue mini van packed with carseats. But if one doesn't come along then I'm a failure at life anyway. No wait-----Here comes one!' *insert yucky smacking noise here* Dear blackbird, I'm glad to have made your day.

Jun 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Goob!!!

Hope it was awesome amazing thrilling fun!
Oh yeah and watch out for those grey hairs! I guess it's a little late for that though...

Jun 11, 2007


Some crappy pictures compliments of the camera phone.
I start working again sometime next week.
--I won't be quite the bum anymore.
Someone finally got around to recording some music. I heart acoustic. Props.
"Don't be afraid of becoming what you hate."