May 8, 2007

The oh so lovely highlights of finals week so far.

Yeah... I feel like shooting my foot.

Hmm... I know that ALL who read this are hanging on every word I write, bursting to know every little detail I choose to release... Soooooo what else can I do? I must satisfy. Finals... I hate finals. I hate tests. I hate school. I complain a lot. Okay, stopping... don't know where I'm going with this...

Finals week:
1) Squirt gun fight. Woo!!
2) The sun gracing the campus with its presence
3) Sleep pattern disturbance... for some reason my body officially refuses to allow sleep to overtake until early morning hours. :(
4) Rewriting an entire English research paper in a little over an hour without cheating.
5) And still... I have 3 more tests left to take!

From the words of one so wise "nnnnngghhh"!!

I'm making a visit to see Mike this weekend. Yay!

And after this weekend I get to look forward to
Spiderman, lugging boxes, and 100 degree weather... bring it.


Blogger Holland Chase said...



and mine always turn out better than theirs anyway.

oh and guess what . . . it feels like I've been out of school for forever. and it feels great.

and after 1 day of our weather you will hate it. and the buffalo is gonna be freezing by the way.

8:03 PM  
Blogger erin said...

Of course you're not speaking like i'm a foreigner to "our" weather. The main thing i'm dreading is the attack of the state bird while we're at the buffalo. ick.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

you basically are a foreigner now. you just told me how you have the accent and everything.

i don't think the "birds" will be all that bad. they haven't even come out in l-town yet.


10:39 PM  
Blogger erin said...

I hate the new accent. And don't jinx the bird situation!

10:54 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

i haven't encountered any of the mosquitos..yes i managed to figure out what you were talking about.
and spiderman is okay...not as great as the first two.
but hey, erin, since you're all emo and stuff now (jk) you should love it! it's emo spidey!!

10:38 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

you're on crack katie!!!

it was, at least, way better than the 2nd one.

and it was funny emo, so it's okay.

12:11 AM  
Blogger asha said...

well...its not 100 degrees, but we got the birds out in LR. you better come visit me!

11:53 AM  

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