May 19, 2007

The most perfect words still don't give enough justice

One year ago tomorrow I was in the one walking across stage shaking a hand I didn't know, accepting my high school diploma. Today was her turn. Although it did seem as if it was last week that we were digging up worms near the creek in the backyard of our grandparents house.

It wasn't long ago that we were yet again running away from home because we knew we couldn't stand it there any longer. So we filled backpacks with the required stuffed animals we could never live without, grabbed a couple juice boxes and headed off around the block... then were back home before anyone noticed we had left.

As kids, maybe we had it a little rough... but so many had it much tougher. We went through a lot together, helped each other though it. I had her, she had me... we felt safer that way. I feel like I know that one day we aren't going to be able to be there to help each other decide anymore. The day will come, neither of us can stop it. But she'll always be my life friend... I can never stop missing her no matter where I run to.

Spidey 3 was amazing, the other two were better.


Smile. You mean so much to me. I miss you.


Blogger Mike said...

this post was good up until you opened your yap about spidey 3... the rest of it after suckeddd

10:47 PM  
Blogger erin said...

umm, no you suckkk

11:36 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

i could say it....

but it's just too easy!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

more like emo spidey, seriously.
gah...he even had the red streaks in his hair going on.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Shaz said...

What Red Streaks!?

11:43 PM  
Blogger erin said...

yeah, i don't recall any red streaks.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

lol they are very subtle...josh pointed them out first, and then i was like "oh, i see." must've been distracted by the goober seth sitting next to you or something.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Shaz said...

Uhh Katie, emo Spidey never dyed his hair, it was the same dark brown, only shinier and reflecting light(if there was any) hence the so-called "subtle" red streaks.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

ahh, just Fuck Me.

i'm out

4:04 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

hope you're safe.

1:08 AM  

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