
Spring break was relaxing. Sad it's over so quickly.
The bus ride went as well as expected, almost got stuck in Memphis for 5 hrs but seeing as it was only 2 and half hours from home, the parents came to the rescue. While at one of the power strips charging mine and Lauren's phones, this older man in a wheel chair started screaming for security when I got close to him. Said I had stamped on his foot and had no respect for him, then apparently as I walked away from the crime I turned and gave him one of those "nasty looks" like I wasn't sorry. After I apologized to him, letting him know I didn't realize what I had done, telling him whatever he wanted to hear so he'd stop screaming at me and creating a scene, the grown overweight man sitting in this wheelchair starts bursting into tears. It took a lot out of me to resist laughing, not to mention the security guard as well. Fun stuff.

The weather was a pleasant change. It's still in the thirties here.
Took a plane home. It was worth the extra 150.
too bad we didn't get to hang out at all :(
but i'm glad you had a good time :)
your plane was only $150?
i hate you.
i paid $250 for mine from NY.
and i have to pay that again to get to CO.
Actually I got a one-way ticket there. And it was 270, 150 on top of what I would've paid for a bus.
oh ok
if you weren't such a meaniehead maybe it wouldn't have happened!
toe stepper onner
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