Sep 27, 2007

As Requested?

Warning? Just telling you, I'm pretty sure you don't want to read this.

The first time I sweetly, not to mention very lady-like, vomited in that paper bag it smelled alarmingly similar to... a paper bag, but only in the personal aspect. I'm going to spare to you the sensational taste only to keep myself from achieving a repeat of the situation. Then, assuming I had control of myself after that, attempted to fulfill one of few of life's requirements and eat. Managed to gulp almost an entire cup of water, one bite of pineapple, and look at my home fries before sharing my stomach with the floor of the booth me and Mike were sharing. It was mostly clear, very thin and had little scent that I could distinguish. It should be cleared away in a month or two from under the table. I actually felt better after that time... because I know you care about that. But I actually ate... and was revisited by the consumed later, on the top bunk into a plastic bag full of holes. It was thick chunky puke in a shade of Indian yellowish. I held the bag over my leg so it wouldn't get on the bed... another of my unachieved goals. Smell? It smelled like how those tall pretty colorful weeds feel when they're being shit on by a cow, then chewed up by that same cow and being shit out onto the ground. I would use a quite similar comparison when elaborating to you the taste. That's my story.

My day today was fine. Thank you for asking.

Seth Pennington you're a fucking Asshole. Passionately speaking, never less.


Blogger Katie said...

you are so disgusting.
and did you really get shit on by a seagull, because that's the only part i really cared about =)

7:52 AM  
Blogger erin said...

No. That was a lie.

11:21 AM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

so promises are not made, lies are spoken/typed, do you have any positive virtues.

Erin, you're a fucking lightweight. Grow a pair. Or throw up more, either way really.
"Passionately speaking, never less."

11:36 AM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

twat pop.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

oh don't feel bad, even the best of us go up an elevator in a battered women's shelter and throw up into a bunch of pizza boxes and a water fountain...

although we started drinking at noon... and it was 4am when i did that.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

i think i just got really confused.

11:20 PM  
Blogger erin said...

seth go take a yoga class and pleasure yourself.

12:13 AM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

maybe i will.

and maybe i'll enjoy myself.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

i didn't leave till 1:30 am. i didn't think you would be up, so i didn't call. sorry.

2:44 AM  
Blogger erin said...

forgiven. as always.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

so how are 12am firedrills treatin ya?

12:46 AM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

ok new post.


12:24 AM  

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