Where treasure is, there will be heart also.
The decision to take her off of life support was made last night. I couldn't move from my foot wide, white tile behind and to the right of her bed as the nurse continued every step leading to the end. I watched because I had to.
Nothing anyone else says to me is going to make me feel better. Nothing anyone else does for me will make me feel better. It's completely untrue though... we feed from not only our own experiences, but from the experiences we are told about through others, through the second hand feelings of what our close friends, and even distant ones, go through. Everyone needs help. We learn from them... then in turn find ways to overcome and become stronger.
was she your grandmother?
i'm so sorry erin.
losing people sucks so much.
i wish i could give you a hug.
the title of this post reminds me of Vacation Bible School this past week.
anyway...stay tough. i'm here if you want to talk.
it was her grandma.
i'm here too.
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