Feb 9, 2007

Your complaining touches my heart... What ever will I do without it?

Just so you all know, there are 186 days until Spider Man III comes out. And also, there are 35 days until Spring Break... therefore that would be a total of 28 days until the week before Spring Break... I'm thinking this is supposed to mean something. Oh yeah, something to do with something about a sub.


And while I'm throwing numbers around, I'll just add in that there are 77 days until Coachella.


P.S. - I curse you people who don't shovel the snow from your sidewalks.


Blogger Katie said...

i curse you for actually having to shovel snow from your sidewalk because the snow we get is a fucking tease and it pisses me off. all i want is one hellaciously good snow so that i can hate it for the rest of my life, after taking taking good pictures, of course.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

i do recall you WANTING TONS AND TONS OF SNOW just a couple months ago...

keep counting.

3:45 AM  
Blogger Shaz said...

Spiderman III is gonna be a sappy mess just like the other two.

And didn't you just get back to school like 2 weeks ago? How can you have a spring break!?

11:28 AM  
Blogger erin said...

facebook the pics katie. i want to see what caused the entire town to shut down.

i love the snow mike but unfortunately it's not a mutual thing.

i sure hope the third one lives up to the other two.

and i didn't think about only being at school for two weeks... feels like a few months now.

2:24 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

Who cares if Spider-Man 3 is gonna be sappy? I'm still going. Why, you ask? Because it's effin SPIDER-MAN!

2:48 PM  
Blogger Holland Chase said...

oh and on the snow topic, it got me out of a days worth of work and school so we're cool. It can stay away.

2:49 PM  
Blogger Al said...

wow erin...i bet if you keep counting...the days will go by faster....yeah right...i think its the opposite....love ya though...hey...do you want to add up the days til i leave? :P

4:18 PM  
Blogger erin said...

41 days m'dear. and tell her i said hi.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Al said...


4:36 PM  

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